Spring is once again here and so is some warmer weather. It is time to get your classic vehicle, sports car, four wheel drive or convertible out and prepped for the summers events. Whether you are going to be hitting up local car shows, going across the state, hitting the off-road trails or just taking the family on Sunday drives you will want to do so with a reliable vehicle as well as a “plan B” in case something happens along the way. Although we love towing and helping people when in need we do hope that your Spring and Summer plans are not interrupted with car troubles and needing to call on a tow truck for assistance.
If your vehicle has been setting all Fall and Winter waiting for nicer weather it is good to get it prepped for reliability. Especially with older non-fuel injected vehicles that sit with non-conditioned fuel in the lines. Even if you trailer your vehicle to your destination it is still good to have it serviced so you’ll know that there will not be any starting or running issues when you arrive to play and enjoy the trails or roads. The engine cooling systems should also be checked for proper function by a good shop or mechanic. If your vehicle runs too warm for too long the excessive heat can cause excessive damage. Meaning what could be a small cooling system repair could end up being a seriouys engine repair if ran hot too long.
Tires can also leak and be under inflated enough that its hard to tell until you are miles down the road. One of the most commonly overlooked items is your spare tire. The spare tire will not help if it is also flat. You also want to make sure that the tools you have to change your tire will work. Many times a used vehicle may have tools but they are not the proper tools. Especially if the wheels have been changed to an aftermarket wheel. It is good to check that the spare tire is the one for your vehicle as well if it is an older used vehicle. We tow a number of vehicles on a regular basis where the spare is no good. We also assist with tire changes often when the tools that were in the vehicle when purchased don’t work.
Although this isn’t a very common issue it can happen and on occasion be the cause of frustration or worry. If you store your vehicle immediately after a thorough washing and not driven again until the Spring sun is out there can also be a build up of corrosion on brake rotors or drums and other moving parts. Most of the time the brake parts will work and be just fine but in some climates and a long duration of non-movement there can be some binding issues.
Whether you have a summer fun vehicle or just a daily driver it is always a good idea to get services done and the vehicle inspected for reliability before summer. The heat can cause breakdowns on numerous parts on all types of cars, trucks, vans and suvs. Even new vehicles have issues at times so whatever it is you are going to be driving this summer make sure it will be safe, reliable and of course, ENJOYABLE. Driving is a blast especially when there are no issues requiring you to give us or another tow company a call to come to your rescue.
We at All County Auto Towing in Vancouver Washington hope that everyone has an awesome Spring and Summer while being safe. Check out our “Roadside Emergency Kit” article to see if your emergency kit you have in your vehicle is up to par. We will be adding links to ODOT and WDOT Traffic cams again soon along with other helpful links to assist you along the way of your next adventure.
Stay Safe and Enjoy the Open Road
Steve W. @ All County Towing LLC